Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Welcome To Once-Upon-A-Time-Man CLUB !!

Hi There,

This blog is created because creating this club here was in my hand, many other things which were possible before are not. Reason? No I was not sent to Iraq by US Army, neither am I a billionaire that I have no time for anything. I have all the time in the world and little money as well, but no Freedom. Again Why? Because I have a Girlfriend or you can say, I am Married (No, not technically yet), all the same. You love her, can do anything for her, but sometimes you just want to run away, sometimes you even regret (you know what), sometimes you feel like hitting or even killing (we don't endorse this here though, if you do, we don't wanna know it :).

This club is for men who are in LOVE. MEN who like being in love, but want it to be customized according to their needs while not surrendering to the need of their partner, wrong needs,illogical needs, insensible needs and many other needs, count of which is approximately the number of mysteries Sherlock Holmes have solved.

Do you feel you have become Robot? Oh Yeah !! Are you as efficient as Robots should be? Hell NO !! Why Not? No I am not talking about walking on moon without oxygen mask on. You can be better at jobs you are doing currently, isn't it? Do it more, or may be even earn more. But, Oh boy !! you are in love.

Are you getting to what I am pointing here? No? Then please leave this blog and thanks for visiting. Others, I am sure you want to share, feel, console, contribute, experience, grieve, cry, break your PC right now, and last but not the least, know that you are not alone. Men here know exactly what you feel and we want to know more and know your experiences. Yes, we know things could've been better and just the way you always dreamed of. We know that you are that kind of person who would kill yourself rather then read till here, but no Sir, it was all Once upon a time.

If only she understood, isn't it? We feel the same. This is a mission, with a big aimbition to let the women of the world know how men exactly feel and we need your help to make our mission reach further and deeper. Relationships can be great,and love would not be that slow poison after all, but we need to know your opinions, experiences, grievances, suggestions and feedback to make this live and happening, on a bigger platform and in bigger scale so that men can be man because now days, men are not being men anymore, it was all once upon a time mate.

Keep faith.

Send us your feedback and we will post it here @ niharrathore@gmail.com


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