Monday, July 18, 2011

If You Can't Be Happy, You Can't Keep Happy !!

Well, it's true, isn't it? I feel that in a relationship, one has to be happy to keep other happy and that is why, there should be a mutual understanding which lets each other know when they are happy, sad, excited, angry, etc and thus, react appropriately to such feelings.

But, is it possible or am I being optimistic? Well, I've been in a relationship for as long as I can remember and nothing like that has ever happened and all those girls out there, I am a guy FYI !!

Yeah Right !!

Girls, well, if you really want to understand girls, you need some kind of super natural powers and that I guess only two people could have had either David Blaine or Houdini and I don't have the access to one who's alive and to other, I might have but it would be too late by then for me to care.

First rule of life I learned when I was thirsty and there was only a gulp of water in the last bottle of water available in my tuition classes, I drank it whole even when others where in queue and it was like, two hours more to go before class would end. Half of you would guess, its being selfish but from where I look at it, I see that I love myself more than anyone else, even though there were few very close friends out there too !!

This is the policy you can't actually showcase completely in a relationship because love has to be selfless, forgiving, not self centered and blah blah blah !! But, yes if you love more and don't go out of the way too often, you might actually see that you are happy and when that happens, you will see that you are able to do things which your companion actually expects and that she doesn't have to ask. And Yeah girls, don't ask us too much and we will do much more than you could ask, but yah when we feel like it not when you want us to..

There is a thin line which separates every thought crossing your mind right now and also every opinion your heart or mind is voicing right now, if you really give a thought. If you are in a relationship, you should be happy ideally but most of the people I know have had problems or have problems or may be will have problem and rest of them are happy but I unfortunately don't know them. I am not happy but neither too unhappy because I do what I feel like and I do what she asks me to as well, sooner or later. She is compromising in the way that she wants it sooner but its OK if I do it later and I am compromising that I am doing it nevertheless.

So, you adjust but you should never succumb. Well, there is no thumb rule, but whatever works for you. You be happy you talk, make real good love, eat out often, laugh a lot and give more hugs and you be unhappy and unsatisfied mostly and you see yourself drooling away with negative emotions and irritation that will creep in sooner or later and anything sweet will turn sour immediately. And all the happiness will be sucked in by your mood swings and discontent like a blotting paper wiping the wet table. You will shout and scream and fight for reasons which makes no sense to anyone with li'l brains, but you.

In life, there are few good worthy things which you will remember every day because there are many things which will need some kind of reminder. So, live your life in a way that every day is worth remembering for something or the other. Let your partner understand you first and give enough space to her in your life that she understands you. Don't go by how other couples live their life, make your own standards. Make your own way. There should never ever be any comparision and give your wifey a cute hug whenever you can, and a tight one as well. If you don't show how much you love her, she will never know and if you don't say her how much you hate her, she will never believe when you say I love you to her.

Don't try to understand your girl or just any girl for that matter. The one you love and one who loves you are all who matters. There will never be any issue if you don't create one and if you are a nice listener, you will always win with your silence. One should never try to understand women because their mystery is what will make you fall in love and if you kill that, what will keep you together anyways. Being happy is a art when you are in a relationship, undertsanding small differences rather than forcing a solutions. Let few problems exist as long as they act as a glue to your relationship. Don't be in a relationship if you are a perfectionist. Don't upset yourself because there are problems, be happy that you know the secret that you don't acyually need solutions to each and every problems to keep your relationship afloat, you just need an understanding and little bit of love with good amount of trust.

So, be happy, do good work, get busy, make a living, be ambitiouos, have a goal with a plan, give hugs more, smile often, forget and drive on faster and hang on to negativity for no more time than what you give to tissue papers. Just live your life man and give love as much as you can, whatever is yours, will be yours.

Keep Faith.

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